All instruments that we sell through the shops or online are thoroughly checked and regulated before being sold. We like to ensure that an instrument will fit together and play just right so you can enjoy it at it’s best. Instruments often come to us from the manufacturer in a condition that is best for long distance bulk shipping, such as cork blocks fitted on a clarinet to support the keywork. We ensure all these things are set up for you and the instrument will play perfectly when you receive it from us.
All new instruments are guaranteed for one year. If anything goes wrong we can usually put it right promptly while you wait. We offer continued backup for our customers, with a prompt and efficient repair facility.

What gets checked on a new clarinet
Remove packaging including packing corks
Visual inspection for faults or damage
Check ligature works correctly
On wooden clarinets – check for tight tenons
Grease and check all tenon corks
Check all pads are seated and airtight
Check and regulate the action throughout
Test play (using our own mouthpiece)
Clean and pack away
Click the link below to see the clarinets available at Ackerman Music