Please note: You don't need to order the instrument online once you have filled out the agreement. You won't get an email order acknowledgement from us until we contact you to obtain your date of birth.
To help make your purchase as simple as possible Ackerman Music Ltd offer Classic Credit plans of 12, 24 and 36 months. These are available on select instruments at very low interest rates (12 and 24 at 9.9% APR - 36 at 15.9% APR). We also offer 9 months INTEREST FREE finance on some selected instruments.
You will find these offers on the selected instruments webpage where you can order online through instant credit.
You will need to pay a minimum 10% deposit and then pay the balance in monthly instalments.
Offer subject to age and status. Terms and conditions apply. Finance is arranged through V12 Retail Finance Limited.Registered in England and Wales 4585692. Registered Office: Yorke House, Arleston Way, Solihull, B90 4LH. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Ackerman Music Ltd (Head Office)
Unit 3, Marlborough Business Centre
Marlborough Road
BN15 8TP
Company No. 04559582
VAT No. 620 9332 62